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One of the second Doctor's companions. Zoe was a former student
of the Earth School of Parapsychology, serving as an astrophysicist
and librarian aboard the W3 space station, she was educated in the
ways of logic and mathematical excellence to the detriment of her
emotional side, initially giving her a rather cold and aloof air.
She met the Doctor and Jamie on the space station where she helped
defeat the Cybermen (SS).
When she
travelled with the Doctor, her old ways rapidly gave way to an assured,
pleasant and independent young lady as she helped the Doctor and
Jamie fight the Dominators, the Cybermen (again), the Krotons, the
Ice Warriors and Craven's Space Pirates.
She was
adept with computers, as she demonstrated against the Master Brain
of the Land of Fiction, the Kroton Machine, and by outsmarting Tobias
Vaughan's security system, and computer-like mind also worked out
the firing plan that destroyed the invading Cyberfleet.
taking part in the War Games, Zoe was transported to Gallifrey where
the Time Lords erased her memories and returned her to W3 just a
few seconds after her first adventure with the Doctor (ZZ).

Wendy Padbury was born in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire on 7th
December 1947. At the age of eleven, won a scholarship to the Royal
Ballet School, and aged 15, went to study at Aida Foster Stage School,
making her TV debut on the BBC arts programme "Monitor".
roles followed including "Little Nell", and by
the age of 17, she had landed a role in ATV soap opera "Crossroads".
Soon after this, she applied for the role of Zoe in "Doctor
Who". After several rounds of auditions and a screen test
at Lime Grove, she was given the job.
the production team tried to persuade her to stay on at the end
of season six, and she was tempted to do so, she decided to leave
at the same time as her co-stars Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines.
the Dr. Who series she worked in theatre, with parts in "Wait
In The Dark", and "Alice In Wonderland".
In the early 70's she appeared in three seasons of the Southern
TV children's series "Freewheelers"
(1971-3), and the film "Blood on Satan's Claw"
In 1974
she again played one of the Doctor's companions, Jenny, in the stage
play "Doctor Who and The Daleks in Seven Keys to Doomsday".
In the mid 70's she divided her time between acting and raising
her family, The 80's saw her appear in the stage production of "Super
Ted and The Comet of Spooks" alongside Jon Pertwee.
Since 1992 she has been working as an actor's agent.
was married to well-known actor Melvyn Hayes (who stared in the
comedy series "It Ain't Half Hot, Mum"),before marrying
her current husband Simon John Gerard. Wendy has two daughters,
Joanna and Charlotte. Wendy's hobbies include upholstering, dressmaking,
reading, and painting.


