Season 10


Image 1st, Second and 3rd Doctors
Production No. 65 • BBC Broadcast Date: 30 Dec 72
Doctor: Jon Pertwee • No. of Eps: 4 • Total No. of Eps: 333
Companions: Jo Grant, UNIT
Villains: Omega
Producer: Barry Letts
Director: Lennie Mayne
Writer: Bob Baker, Dave Martin
Designer: Roger Liminton

Image of Kalik (Michael Wisher) and Vorg (Leslie Dwyer)
Production No. 66 • BBC Broadcast Date: 27 Jan 73
Doctor: Jon Pertwee • No. of Eps: 4 • Total No. of Eps: 337
Companions: Jo Grant
Villains: Kalik, Drashigs
Producer: Barry Letts
Director: Barry Letts
Writer: Robert Holmes
Designer: Roger Liminton

Image of Dr with Draconians
Production No. 67 • BBC Broadcast Date: 24 Feb 73
Doctor: Jon Pertwee • No. of Eps: 6 • Total No. of Eps: 343
Companions: Jo Grant
Villains: Master, Daleks, Ogrons
Producer: Barry Letts
Director: Paul Bernard
Writer: Malcolm Hulke
Designer: Cynthia Kljuco

Image of A Dalek
Production No. 68 • BBC Broadcast Date: 07 Apr 73
Doctor: Jon Pertwee • No. of Eps: 6 • Total No. of Eps: 349
Companions: Jon Pertwee
Villains: Daleks
Producer: Barry Letts
Director: David Maloney
Writer: Terry Nation
Designer: John Hurst

Image of the giant green Maggots
Production No. 69 • BBC Broadcast Date: 19 May 73
Doctor: Jon Pertwee • No. of Eps: 6 • Total No. of Eps: 355
Companions: Jo Grant, UNIT
Villains: BOSS
Producer: Barry Letts
Director: Michael Briant
Writer: Robert Sloman
Designer: John Borrowes