avoid a head-on collision in Space the Doctor and Jo materialise in the
hold of a future Earth spaceship. Almost immediately the ship is attacked.
They emerge from the hold and the crew `see' them as their enemies, the
Draconians, an alien humanoid
race rivalling Earth for the control of the Galaxy. The Doctor and Jo,
however, see the true face of the attackers: Ogrons!
A rescue ship takes them all to Earth where they are accused of being
Draconian spies. The Doctor is sent to the Moon but he and 1o are freed
by the Master, whose plot is to provoke a space war between Earth and
Draconia, using the Ogrons and a hypnotic device. The Doctor escapes and
is captured by the Draconians, who believe him to be an agent provocateur
from Earth. The Doctor succeeds in convincing the Draconians of the truth.
Jo is recaptured by the Master and taken to the bleak terrifying Ogron
planet. The Doctor follows to rescue her. There he discovers the true
masterminds behind the whole plot: the Daleks!
The Doctor wins the day but the Master escapes. The Daleks flee after
the Doctor has been severely wounded by an Ogron.

Doctor: Jon Pertwee
Jo Grant:
Katy Manning
Guest Appearances:
Roger Delgado
Stewart: James Culliford
Hardy: John Rees
Draconian Pilot: Roy Pattison
Draconian Prince: Peter Birrel
President: Vera Fusek
Williams: Michael Hawkins
Newscaster: Louis Mahoney
Secretary: Karol Hagar
Gardiner: Ray Lonnen
Kemp: Barry Ashton
Draconian First Secretary: Lawrence
Guard: Timothy Craven
Luan Peters
Caroline Hunt
Patel: Madhav Sharma
Cross: Richard Shaw
Governor: Dennis Bowen
Professor Dale: Harold Goldblatt
Guard: Lawrence Harrington
Draconian Captain: Bill Wilde
Ogrons: Stephen Thorne, Michael Kilgarriff,
Rick Lesser
Emperor: John Woodnutt
Draconian Messenger: Ian Frost
Earth Cruiser Captain: Clifford Elkin
Newcaster: Bill Mitchell
Brook: Ramsay Williams
Pilot: Stanley Price
Daleks: John Scott Martin, Cy Town,
Murphy Grumbar
Dalek Voice: Michael Wisher

Producer: Barry
Script Editor: Terrence
Writer: Malcolm
Director: Paul
Designer: Cynthia
Costume: Barbara
Make up: Sandra Shepherd.
Visual Effects: Bernard
Wilkie, Rhys Jones
Music : Dudley

as "Doctor
Who and the Space War" by Malcolm
Hulke (0 426 11033 1) first published by Wyndham Publications (now Virgin
Publishing Ltd) in 1976 with cover by Chris Achilleos. Also published
in "The Doctor Who Omnibus" published by Book Club Associates
in 1977. Target library number 57.


in an extended version as "Frontier in Space" in the
UK, August 1995 and in Australia & New Zealand (BBC catalogue #5640).
Released in US & Canada 1996. (CBS/FOX catalog #8337, reclassified
as WHV #E1495). Cover art by Colin Howard.two tapes in UK and US &
Canada, one tape in Australia & New Zealand.
Episode 6 was also released on "The Pertwee Years" (BBC
catalogue #4756 in UK March 1992, Australia & New Zealand. CBS/FOX
catalogue #5732 in US & Canada 1992, reclassified as WHV #E1182).

This is
the last story to feature the Master until "The
Deadly Assassin" (4P) in
1976, because of the death of Roger Delgado who
was tragically killed in Turkey in an automobile accident in June 1973
in while en route to a location shoot on "Bell of Tibet".
The masks for the Draconian extras were modelled from a bust of the face
of comedian Dave Allen.

six episodes exist in color on PAL 2" color videotape; episodes 4
and 5 were held by the Film & Videotape Library when audited in 1978,
and copies of all 6 episodes were recovered from ABC Television in Australia
in 1985.

filming. (14
September 1972)
Studio recording in TC3. (31 October - 1 November
recording in TC4. (2-3, 16-17 October 1972)
Gallery, Belvedare Road, Lamberth, London, SE1. (10
September 1972)
Fitzroy Park, Highgate, London, N6. (13
September 1972)
Beachfields Quarry, Cormongers Lane, Redhill, Surrey.
September 1972)

1 - Get your finger on the Pause button to
spot an editing blunder: Between the pilot saying "They'll be through
any minute!" and the next shot of the Doctor fiddling with his sonic
screwdriver is a single frame of the airlock door being melted by the
Ogrons' cutting device.
1 - As the Doctor is working on
the cell door, just before Jo says "How's it going?", in the
shiny surface of the door you can see the blurred reflection of a crew
member, who quickly scurries out of shot.
1 - Immediately after the previous
blooper, the next shot is a low angle of the outside of the door looking
up, and one of the studio lights is plainly visible in the middle of the
[Perhaps they hoped to pass it off as one of the ship's own lights?]
1 - Look for another editing goof
as the Doctor opens the door and discovers the pilot waiting outside:
there's a single completely black frame between the shot from behind the
Doctor as he opens the door, and the next one, from in front of him.
2 - An error in the credits for
this episode results in Roy Pattison (Draconian Space Pilot) and Louis
Mahoney (Newscaster) being credited, although they only appeared in episode
1, and Lawrence Davidson (Draconian First Secretary) and Timothy Craven
(Cell Guard) not being credited, even though they did appear in this episode.
3 - During the last
of the "kidnapping attempts", the Doctor and Jo run away from
the Ogrons. The Doc dives behind a small wall, when Jo arrives behind
him and bends over to hide behind the wall, in the process badly ripping
the seat of her trousers apart at the seam.
3 - Jo seems to change
her outfit between episodes – while being held in the prison cell!
4 - During the Doctor's
spacewalk, he pulls an oxygen tube from his spacesuit. Not only does his
suit not depressurise as you might expect, but the thrust from it conveniently
pushes him in only one direction – towards the airlock!
4 - The
Doctor's banging on the airlock door with his oxygen cylinder causes the
entire wall to shake.
4 - After
the Doctor's spacewalk, you can see a production assistant waiting to
help Jon Pertwee back into the hatch.
4 - While
the Doctor is planning his escape with a pair of fellow prisoners on the
moonbase, watch out for a pony-tailed woman sipping from a "futuristic"
cup (in reality a baby-sipper-cup thingy)... then watch her almost choke
as something clearly goes down the wrong way!
4 - While
Jo is reciting "Mary had a little lamb" to keep from getting
hypnotized by the Master, she says the third line as: "... and wherever
Mary lamb, the lamb was sure to go".
5 - As the
Master leads Jo by the hand across the rock-strewn ground of the Ogrons'
planet, he can be heard quietly saying various un-Master-esque things
like, "Be careful down here."
[This is not so much the Master helping Jo as Roger Delgado helping out
Katy Manning, whose poor eyesight (without her glasses) left her prone
to tripping up on uneven terrain.]
6 - When
the Doctor goes out to repair the spacecraft (the exterior of which suspiciously
resembles the one in ep 2), look out for the all-too-obvious strings holding
him up.
6 - When
we see model shots of the full spacecraft, it's very hard to believe that
the full-sized squarish-looking interior set could be present anywhere
inside the (cylindrical) ship.
6 - Watch
out for when Roger Delgado has to give a Dalek a push in the right direction,
smirking as he does so.