travelers land on an island on the planet Marinus, where the sand is glass
and the sea is acid. The TARDIS is captured by Arbitan, Keeper of
the Conscience of Marinus, a machine that controls the planet, preventing
crime. But four of the five keys that make it function are
lost. The Doctor and his companions use watch-shaped time dials
to go to some strange places in search of them: the city of Morphoton,
ruled by Giant Brains who keep its population enslaved; a jungle whose
flora's evolution has been accelerated by the old scientist Darius; an
icebound wilderness; and finally the city of Millenius where Ian is framed
for murder. On their return they find Arbitan dead, murdered
by Yartek, leader of the Voord, who now control the island. Ian
is forced to hand over the four hard-won keys, but one is fake - which
causes the machine to explode, blowing itself and the Voord to pieces
and freeing the inhabitants of Marinus from its domination.

The Doctor:
William Hartnell
Ian Chesterton:
William Russell
Barbara Wright: Jacqueline Hill
Susan Foreman: Carole Ann Ford
Guest Appearances:
Arbitan: George Couloris
Voord: Martin Cort, Peter
Stenson, Gordon Wales
Altos: Robin
Sabetha: Katharine Schofield
Voice Of Morpho: Heron Carvic
Darrius: Edmund Warwick
Vasor: Francis
De Wolff
Larn: Michael Allaby
Tarron: Henley Thomas
Senior Judge: Raf De La Torre
Kala: Fiona Walker
Aydan: Martin Cort
Eyesen: Donald Pickering
Yartek: Stephen Dartnell
Eprin: Dougie
Judge: Alan

Producer: Verity Lambert
Assistant Producer: Mervyn Pinfield
Script Editor: David Whitaker
Writer: Terry Nation
Director: John Gorrie
Designer: Raymond
P. Cusick
Costume: Daphne
Make up: Jill Summers
Music: Norman Kay

as "Dr Who and the Keys of Marinus"
by Philip Hinchcliffe (0 426 20125 6)
first published by W.H. Allen (now Virgin Publishing Ltd.) in 1980 with
cover by David McAllister. Target library number 38.

as "The Keys of Marinus" in UK, March 1999 and Australia
and New Zealand (BBC catalogue #6671). Release in US and Canada, July
1999 (CBS/FOX catalogue #14263) in episodic format, with photomontage

Nation wrote this story to replace his earlier tale, "The Red
Fort" (set during the Indian mutiny), which was abandoned when
the series' plans changed.
William Hartnell did not appear in the episodes "The Screaming
Jungle" and "The Snows of Terror" as he was
on holiday during the taping of these episodes.

All episodes
exist on 16mm telerecordings. "Sentence of Death" was
held by the BBC's Film & Video Tape Library when audited in 1978;
negative film prints of all six episodes were recovered from BBC Enterprises
circa 1978.

filming. (dates unknown)
Studio recording in Lime Grove D. (20, 27 March;
4, 10, 17, 24 April 1964)

1 - You can spot-the-stagehand when one of
the Voord falls through the hidden panel and the trick wall spins around.
Episode 6 -
One of the Voord comes into the control chamber, trips on the bottom edge
of the door, and stumbles over to Yartek.
Episode ? - Just after
Barbara is taken inside the city, on the next shot you can see a stagehand
dart behind Ian.
Episode ? - As Susan
falls into the pyramid, a stagehand can be seen venturing on screen before
the camera cuts away.
Episode ? - Ian goes
to a lot of trouble miming to show the extent of the force-field around
the TARDIS, but then Susan ruins it all by casually walking in front of
him and hence straight through the "barrier".
Episode ? - Barbara
is only seconds ahead of the Doctor and company when arriving at Morphoton,
but somehow she gets the chance to meet Altos and have a nice chat about
fashion before the others arrive.
Episode ? - Considering
the travel dial is his only link back to the TARDIS, Ian seems a bit too
eager to swap it for a piece of fur from Vasor.