setting is the planet Kembel, whence information of mysterious happenings
has reached the Space Special Security Service. Agent Marc Cory
is dispatched to investigate, but almost at once disaster strikes: his
crew are cut down one by one by Varga plants which infest the planet.
But what Cory discovers is full of vital importance for Earth's future:
The Daleks are present in force on Kembel and their intention is to unify
alien races to wipe out humans. Cory is exterminated by the Daleks
but a tape containing the information he gathered survives.

No Regular Cast
Guest Appearances:
Marc Cory: Edward de Sousa
Malpha: Robert
Gordon Lowery: Jeremy Young
Garvey: Barry Jackson
Trantis: Ronald
Daleks: Robert Jewell, Kevin
Manser, Gerald Taylor, John Scott Martin
Dalek Voices Peter
Hawkins, David Graham

Producer: Verity
Script Editor: Donald
Writer: Terry
Director: Derek
Designer: Richard
Hunt, Raymond P. Cusick.
Costume: Daphne
Make up: Sonia Markham.
Music: Stock ("Syncro-Strings"
by Trevor Duncan).

as "Part of Doctor Who - The Mission to The Unknown"
(The Daleks' Master Plan 1) by John Peel (0 426 20343 3) first published by W.H. Allen (now
Virgin Publishing Ltd.) in 1989 with cover by Alister Pearson. Target
library number 141.

Not available on
video due to loss of story.

recording for this episode exists. A five-CD box set, "The Daleks'
Master Plan" was released by the BBC Radio Collection in October
2001, presented by Peter Purves, which included the story "Mission
to the Unknown"; the first CD also contains PC files, including
the complete scripts for both "Mission" and "Master
Plan" and MP3 versions (without narration) of each.

This episode
is sometimes referred to as "Dalek Cutaway,"
This is the only one-episode story of Doctor Who except for the
Five Doctors.
It does not feature the Doctor or any other of the regular cast, and serves
merely as a teaser for the forthcoming 12-part Dalek serial "The
Daleks' Master Plan" (V).

This episode
is lost. Only a very limited number of photographic images exist from
this story.

filming. (25 June 1965)
Studio recording in TC3. (6 August

None Identified.