question that still remains unanswered. This much we do know, the
Doctor, as he is simply known is an eccentric brilliant Time Lord of the
planet Gallifrey who bored by the conventions and sedentary lifestyle
of his people 'appropriated' a TARDIS and became a traveler in time and
space. The Doctors' physiology included two hearts, a respiratory bypass
system, a temperature of 60° Fahrenheit and has the ability to withstand
a greater range of temperature and radiation than men, telepathic powers
and, finally, the ability when his body becomes old or damaged, to regenerate
his body at least twelve times. On certain occasions, the Doctor
could create a projection of his future selves to help them through his
impending regenerations. The Doctor is now over 750 years old and
has so far regenerated seven times, on each occasion introduced a different
personality and appearance.
white haired old man known as the First Doctor, tended to be an observer,
loath to interfere in history, a sometimes disagreeable and taciturn individual,
and his often arrogant nature, occasionally led him into conflict with his
human companions, who beneath the gruff surface was a charming and friendly
explorer, who could offer great comfort to his close associates but remain
an enigma to those he did not fully trust. |
hid his true personality beneath a clownish exterior, a veneer of absentminded
foolery, a ploy which led his enemies to underestimate him. Always
ready to disarm his foes with a wry comment or via apparent bumbling mayhem
and ineptitude, the second Doctor's mind was actually as sharp as ever.
Frequently he opted to play his recorder to help calm his mind and was not
adverse to pass around confectionary to appease his foes. |
Exiled to Earth as a result of his first trial, the third Doctor was an
expert in unarmed combat such as Venusian Aikido, and had a penchant for
gadgetry such as the Sonic Screwdriver or his cars, Bessie and the Whomobile.
He was eccentric as he was suave and sophisticated, with a passion for flamboyant
clothes. He was capable of dealing equally with the high ranking ministers
of the British government and the average man in the street. |
Possessing many characteristics of his former selves,
was often prone to stroll into potentially dangerous situations equipped
with only his 20 foot long scarf, floppy hat broad grin, the occasional
jelly baby, and his strong streak of morality. His insatiable
curiosity for other worlds, and his occasional aloofness from humans eventually
caused him to gradually severe his connections with Earth, and resume his
space traveling. |
Seemed younger in outward appearance than any of his prior bodies, but
retained the sharp, analytical mind of his predecessors. The youthful
Doctor displayed limitless ingenuity in rectifying his own miscalculations.
Donning Edwardian cricketing garb with a stick of celery pinned to his
lapel, the Doctor, although not ill tempered, nevertheless was easily
exasperated, especially when trying to impart logic and sense.
Initial characteristics of the Doctor emerging from a highly unstable
regeneration proved most peculiar. He displayed tendencies to burst
into a situation, shouting and blustering and then examining the fallout
of his actions. This often led to tension and falling out with his
companions. Beneath the arrogance and bellowing was a shrewd quick-witted
Doctor, preferring to present an image no one could take seriously, putting
his foes of guard. |
DOCTOR: A genuine mixture of all
his predecessors, mixing the arrogance of the Sixth Doctor, with the whimsy
of the Forth and taking a dash of the clown of the Second and the physicality
of the Third, all tempered with the wisdom of the First and the analytical
brain of the Fifth. In many ways he was the arch manipulator, seeing
each adventure akin to a chess match, moving a few pieces and seeing what
retaliation the opposition made. |
the most traumatic and violent regeneration than any had yet experienced.
Subjected to a heart probe, his body could not cope, and appeared to die
on the operating table. Two hours later his body convulsed and regenerated
in the morgue. This Doctor seemed to simply love life, endearing, unpredictable,
suave, lunatic and caring. This romantic character was more emotional,
feeling no embarrassment about kissing his companion. |